How do cinema and cinema chairs measure each other?

    1. Unfixed chairs should not be placed on sloping ground.

    2. Chairs that can't be arranged in an arc line can't be arranged in an arc line or in an arc line.

    3. The channel is 1200 mm.

    4. The area of the auditorium shall conform to the following rules:

    A. Class A theatre should not be less than 0.80_/seat

    B. Theatres such as B should not be less than 0.70_/seat

    C.C. Theatres should not be less than 0.60_/seat

    5. Fixed seats with backrest should be installed in theatres, and movable seats should not exceed 12 seats in small compartments.

    6. The middle distance of armrest should not be less than 0.50m for hard chair and 0.55M for soft chair.

    7. Seat spacing shall conform to the following rules:

    A. Short row method: Hard chair should not be less than 0.80m, soft chair should not be less than 0.90m, and the distance between the back of the chair and the most prominent part of the back row should not be less than 0.30m.

    B. Long row method: Hard chair should not be less than 1.00m, soft chair should not be less than 1.10m, and the most prominent part of the back row should not be less than 0.50m.

    8. The number of seats arranged in each row shall conform to the following rules:

    A. Short row method: 22 seats should not be exceeded when there are aisles on both sides, 11 seats should not be exceeded when there are aisles on one side.

    B. Long Row Method: Should not exceed 50 seats when there are aisles on both sides and 25 seats when there are aisles on one side.

    9. The auditorium should reserve wheelchair seats for the disabled. The seats should be 1.10M deep and 0.80M wide. The seats should be convenient for the disabled to attend and disperse, and international general signs should be set up.

    10. Slope gradient not greater than 1:6

    11. Slope seats should not be arranged in an arc

    12. Back row with cross aisle should not exceed 10 rows

    13. Longitudinal and lateral walkways should not be less than 1.2 meters

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